Tuesday, August 23, 2016

About Qrhoo

I'm a naturalized citizen of this Great country, I was born to a Catholic family in Iraq and my family immigrated to the US because of religious persecution in Iraq because we were forced to choose between converting, dying, or leaving; therefore, my values are what is driving my ambition and pursuit of the American Dream. The United States is facing many issues but nothing that we can't overcome if we worked together. The American Dream is alive and it worked for me and my family. I served as a United States Representative from the first district in Ohio to replace a retired representative, Isma, and I won the elections to fill his seat in the middle of the 3rd congress. After my term was finished, I had the honor to serve as the United Secretary of Treasury where I fought to help small businesses and the American worker and I plan to do the same for our great state. #TeamQrhoo #PuttingTheWestFirstWestFirst

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