Where Qrhoo stands on Issues
- Pro Life: I am a strong advocate for the pro-life movement and that's why I co-sponsored Bill 055 in the very hostile and liberal majority 3rd US Congress. I will fight for the voiceless in our state like I did in our Congress and will always advocate the right to life policies.
- Education: I will fight to bring education local, I don't support Common Core and all forms of standardized testing that leaves parents and local school district away from important decisions concerning their kids.
- Economy and Business: I will support small businesses just like I did as a US Secretary of Treasury and a US House member. I will also help get innovative tech companies to start moving back to our state.
- Tough on crime: I support deporting any criminal foreign person and forbid them from entering our state and our country. I also support the Capital punishment on anyone who commits heinous crimes. We must fight terrorism anywhere it arises around the planet when it is a danger to freedom.
- Guns: Please refer to the 2nd Amendment.
- Government Wastefulness and fraud: I pledge to bring back every wasted dollar and invest it in our communities. I also believe in balancing the budget, I pledge to work like I did as a Treasury Secretary to leave our children with as little of a debt as we can so we can guarantee them and our country a prosperous future. We must protect our borders and invest in means to prevent any border breaches to keep our people safe.
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